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Groovy 8 – Precedence

Precedence is showing the order in which operators are evaluated while the code runs.

The table below lists all Groovy operators in order of precedence.

Level Operator(s) Name(s)
1 new() object creation, explicit parentheses
(), {}, [] method call, closure, literal list/map
., .&, .@ member access, method closure, field/attribute access
?.*, *., *: safe dereferencing, spread, spread-dot, spread-map
~, !, (type) bitwise negate/pattern, not, typecast
[], ++, -- list/map/array index, post increment/decrement
2 ** power
3 ++, --, +, - pre increment/decrement, unary plus, unary minus
4 *, /, % multiply, divide, remainder
5 +, - addition, subtraction
6 <<, >>, >>>, .., ..< left/right (unsigned) shift, inclusive/exclusive range
7 <, <=, >, >=, in, instanceof, as less/greater than/or equal, in, instanceof, type coercion
8 ==, !=, <=> equals, not equals, compare to
9 =~, ==~ regex find, regex match
& binary/bitwise and
10 ^ binary/bitwise xor
11 | binary/bitwise or
12 && logical and
13 || logical or
14 ? : ternary conditional
15 ?: elvis operator
=, **=, *=, /=, %=, +=, -= various assignments
<<=, >>=, >>>=, &=, ^=, |=

Source: Groovy Operators

I have left the table intact showing all possible operators that are allowed in Groovy programming language.

I have highlighted the ones we discussed in the previous posts.

However, keep in mind that while scripting in application composer, you will not be using most of these operators.