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Groovy 27 – Create Copy Button For Custom Object

Create a Copy Button for a Custom Object

This button will copy the entire record, including attachments.

Watch the demonstration video below:

Setup for the Video Demonstration

Custom Object name is: OSCSalesObj with the following properties:

  • API Name: OSCSalesObj (OSCSalesObj_c)
  • Description: OSCSalesObj
  • Display Label: OSCSalesObj
  • Plural Label: OSCSalesObj
  • Record Name Label: OSCSalesObj Name
  • Record Name Data Type: Text

Standard Fields:

Standard Fields Standard Fields

Using SOAP Web Services

We will use two SOAP Web-services:

Register these Web Services in Sales Cloud

Named web-service references as Obj and attach.

Web Service Registration

Creating the Copy Button

Create a text field called Warning_c.

Next, create an Object Function with the following properties:

  • Function: showWarning
  • Returns: void
def rand = new Random()
setAttribute('Warning_c', rand.nextInt())

Now go to the Validation tab, create a field validation on Warning_c, and set the error message to something like:

The record has been copied successfully



Create the Copy Button

Go to Actions and Links and create a new button called Copy.

Button Configuration

With these specifications:

  • Function: Copy
  • Returns: void
try {
    def Name = "Copy :" + RecordName + " " + now()
    def CustomText = CustomText_c
    def CustomNumber = CustomNumber_c
    def vAccount_c = Account_Id_c
    def vCountry_c = Country_c
    def vOwner = Owner_Id_c
    def Partner = Partner_Id_c
    boolean CustomCheckBox = false
    if (CustomCheckBox_c == 'Y') {
        CustomCheckBox = true
    def objectName = 'OSCSalesObj_c'
    def object = [
        RecordName: Name,
        CustomText_c: CustomText,
        CustomNumber_c: CustomNumber,
        CustomCheckBox_c: CustomCheckBox,
        Account_Id_c: vAccount_c,
        Country_c: vCountry_c,
        Owner_Id_c: vOwner,
        Partner_Id_c: Partner
    def myObject = adf.webServices.Obj.createEntity(object, objectName)
    String vID = Id
    def getAllAttachmentRows = [
        [EntityName: 'OSCSalesObj_c', Pk1Value: vID]
    def attachIDs = adf.webServices.attach.getAttachmentsListWithoutContent(getAllAttachmentRows)
    if (attachIDs != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < attachIDs.size(); i++) {
            Long pAttachmentId = Long.parseLong(attachIDs[i].AttachedDocumentId)
            def getThisAttachmentRows = [
                EntityName: 'OSCSalesObj_c',
                Pk1Value: vID,
                AttachedDocumentId: pAttachmentId
            def attachment = adf.webServices.attach.getAttachmentContent(getThisAttachmentRows)
            String vTitle = attachment.Title
            String vFilename = attachment.FileName
            String vDatatypeCode = attachment.DatatypeCode
            String vCategory = attachment.CategoryName
            String vContentType = attachment.UploadedFileContentType
            String vContent = attachment.UploadedFile
            String vDownloadStatus = 'N'
            def createAttachmentRows = [
                    EntityName: 'OSCSalesObj_c',
                    Pk1Value: myObject.Id,
                    DatatypeCode: vDatatypeCode,
                    FileName: vFilename,
                    Title: vTitle,
                    DownloadStatus: vDownloadStatus,
                    CategoryName: vCategory,
                    UploadedFileContentType: vContentType,
                    UploadedFile: vContent
            def createAttachment = adf.webServices.attach.createAttachment(createAttachmentRows, 'commit')
} catch (e) {
    // Handle exception
Final Configuration