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Groovy 33- In a Formula Field Arrange Selected Items of a Multiselect List one Under another

Arrange Multi Select Fixed Choice List Items

We have a Multi Select Fixed Choice List and we want to arrange all the selected items one under another in a formula field.

Groovy Code for Text Formula Field

        def result = []
        def string_val
        def v_displayValues = getSelectedListDisplayValues('')
        if ( != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < v_displayValues.size(); i++) {
                if (i == 0)
                    result.add(" " + v_displayValues[i] + "\n")
                    result.add(v_displayValues[i] + "\n")
            string_val = substringAfter(substringBefore(result.toString(), ']'), '[')
        } else {
            string_val = ""
        def newString = string_val.replaceAll(',', '')
        return newString

Replace <API FCL> with the API name of your Multi Select Fixed Choice List.