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Groovy 41 – Create a Field that will keep track of how many updates happen on an Opportunity Revenue Line

Opportunity Revenue Revision

Create a text field called Revision_c on the Opportunity Revenue Object. Set the default fixed value to Update 0.

Now create a trigger on Opportunity Revenue of the type "Before Update" with the following code:

        if (PrimaryFlag == 'N' && getPrimaryRowState().isModified() && Revision_c != null) {
            String initialString = Revision_c.toString();
            if (initialString != "") {
                def number = Integer.parseInt(initialString.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""));
                def updateString = "Update " + number;
                setAttribute('Revision_c', updateString);

Now each time a new revenue line is added, the field Revision_c will have the value "Update 0". After making changes to the revenue line and clicking save, the value of Revision_c should increment, becoming "Update 1", "Update 2", and so on, after each change.